Mr. Derrick PalmiterPosition - High School Proctor, Teacher.
Grades or Subjects Taught - 11th-12th Math/Science Teacher, 11th-12th Literature, Newspaper, Boys Phy-Ed, and Theatre. Education - St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary (six years), North Idaho College - Associates Degree in Computer Science. Years at St Robert Bellarmine Academy - 6 years. Number of Years Teaching - 10 years. Interests and Hobbies - Athletic pursuits, Hiking, Cryptocurrency/Programming, Literature, Languages. Favorite Book - I hate this question. I don't pick favorites. But if you make me I'll give a favorite: Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky. Favorite Thing About St Robert's - I appreciate the spirit and enthusiasm of the students for the betterment and growth of the school, and the generosity of so many alumni who return to the school in some capacity after graduation to help with its continued growth and mission of formation of the next generation. In short, I love the gratitude shown for what is given and the willingness to give in return. Favorite Thing About Teaching: I love being able to communicate and share the wonder I experience at the complexity of God's creation and how its various systems harmoniously cooperate to move the whole. I suppose I just have a natural impulse to share the things I've discovered or learned and somehow find personal satisfaction and purpose in that. ← Back |