Miss Elizabeth NohavaPosition - 3rd and 4th Grade Homeroom Teacher
Grades or Subjects Taught - 3rd and 4th Language Arts, History, Science, Math and Art. Education - Associate of Liberal Arts through Alexandria Technical and Community College. Current student at Western Governors University for a Bachelor's in Elementary Education. Years at St Robert Bellarmine Academy - 2 years. Number of Years Teaching - 3 years. Interests and Hobbies - Oh, there are so many, but I think the main ones are; reading, cooking, sewing, and writing papers. (Yes, I know.... most people wouldn't find that a hobby...) Favorite Book - The Scarlet Pimpernel and David Copperfield. Favorite Thing About St Robert's - Firstly, I love the teachers and their willingness to give of themselves for their students. This was one the first thing I saw, that drew me to look into teaching. I love the connectedness, and support of the families of the school, and the students enthusiasm to be here. Favorite Thing About Teaching: I love teaching because I want to make a difference. I do it to see the lightbulb moments. I want my students to learn to love learning. I also wanted to teach writing - because I enjoy it so, I want my students to love it too. ← Back |